What is iron tunnel rock

Magnetite quartzite, or anshan-style poor iron ore, is mainly distributed in anben, wulan and eastern hebei.Main contain magnetite in the ore, quartz, based on the magnetic properties of magnetite quartzite, general use of magnetite and quartz susceptibility bigger differences in magnetic separation, typical of this kind of concentrator has the United States in mill plant, Ming tucker mill plant, Canada Adams, the former Soviet union   kursk ore dressing plant, the company, China stone henan Finn and dagushan concentrator.The separation process of magnetite quartzite is broken to 25~15mm by three or four stages, or to 350~250mm by one stage. Through the combination of self-grinding and ball grinding (gravel grinding), fine grinding in three stages is carried out and magnetic separation in multiple stages is achieved.Magnetite quartzite dressing process is characterized by stage grinding and magnetic separation process, so as to discharge single gangue in stage and reduce the amount of grinding in the next stage.General comments on magnetic separators produced by our national special equipment.According to customer needs to design machinery and equipment in line with the mineral, so our machines have been well received by the industry.

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Address:East of Dongjing Road, Qingzhou,Weifang City, Shandong Province, P.R.CHINA_262500